In a previous post I said that if my man was home I would have 2 posts a day because there was always drama going on. Well as you can see the last post was titled he's back. That is the reason why I have been MIA. In that short period of time so much shit has popped off. I'm going to try to sum it up as best I can without getting to long-winded.
Somewhere along the line he started staying with me. Not all the time but most nights when I was home from work. I would call him to see if he was busy. If he didn't have plans he would come stay with me. One morning when I woke up I checked my caller I.d to see if my dude had called because he always calls me early in the morning but I had the ringer off. I noticed a name and number on the phone that I did not recognize. The really funny thing about it was that it came in at 5:39am. That really surprised me because no one calls that early except for my dude. There was also a cell phone # that I did not recognize, but I didn't really care so I let it go. I did turn the ringer back on, and maybe 5 minutes later the phone rang and it was that cell phone #. So of course I answered out of curiousity. It was a female voice and she asked for me. I said this is her. She said Trina this is Val, and I was wondering if you have seen Boss since he has been home. Immedietly I started laughing, and I handed him the phone and said your girlfriend wants to speak to you. Of course he was looking all dam dumbfounded.
Let me tell you who Val is. About 1 1/2 years ago me and Boss broke up. I was with one of my daughter's teacher's (I thought I would slip that in...haha ;-), that is another story), and he met this girl named Val. She left her husband for him and uprouted her 2 kids and moved them in with him. He was ok with that because he decided that he was tired of paying rent and he wanted someone to take care of him. ( I know this sound bogus but I swear it is true). No matter what he always told her that he loves me unconditionally and I will be his wife. I swear he told her this directly to her face. He broke up with her after about 8 months went 2 days later to get my name tattoed on his chest. But it does not matter because she has told me that she loves him so much she will always be there for him. So while he was in jail she got in touch with him and told him if there is anything I can do for you let me know. Now I was not even tryin' to be bothered with the bullshit so he started correspnding with her and she handled all of his business. She dealt with his lawyer, and she signed for the bails bonds. So now after she did all of that she was expecting them to be together and apparantly that was the plan, but we all know how niggas deviate from the plan.
He talked to her for a brief couple of minutes, then he hung up. When he got off the phone I was like ok what the fuck is up. I was pissed and I'll tell you why. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was dealing with her again, I was only mad because of him lying. What possible reason would he have to lie when I already told him about my dude. I told him I didn't want us to get back together because I was not going to leave my dude alone. So why didn't he tell me about him and her. He claim he was planning on telling me the night before but we fell asleep so early he didn't get a chance to tell me. How convenient that he had planned to tell me the night before he got caught. Then she called back and said I asked him if that was where he wanted to be and he said no and I told him to tell you that. So while I was on the phone with her he went and unplugged the phone. I was laughing so hard, because that negro is crazy. Then she called again. I told her ok that is enough you don't have to keep calling here. I told her the phone went dead because he unplugged it and the whole time I was laughing. So I could tell she was getting mad because everytime in the past when we had run ins me and him would always be laughing and cracking jokes with each other, because I don't take her seriously. I actually pity her because she is a grown ass 35 year old woman and she is chasing a 28 year old boy who can't quite get him self together and she walked away from a lot for him. I just do not understand it. Any way that was that and a few nights later she called at 3 in the morning. That was when we really got into it. I told her that when I see her she is going to have a problem. I also told her that I don't care what they do or do not have going on I have been dealing with him for 4 years and no matter who he is with I'm going to do what I want to do with him when I feel like doing it. She said something that stuck with me. She said he is a fucked up individual and so are you that's why yall belong together. I said well that's why we are together. The reason why that stuck with me is because that is the fuckin' truth. We always do this stupid shit. We go thru something and call ourselves breaking up and we start fuckin' with other people then I run her away or he runs him away and then we are right back together and in love and the other people are feelin' some-type-of-way. We feel bad for a little while then it's like oh well, fuck' em.
BTW...that last time when she called and we argued I was mad as hell and I was ready to fight. I went down the street to my cousin's house. One of my cousin's called her cell phone and said she wanted to meet her somewhere. Of course Val wasn't having that. My cousin told her to stop calling my fuckin' house or it will be a problem. He also talked to her and told her whatever problem she has with him is between him and her. He told her to stop calling my house. He also reminded her that she is not one to be out in the streets fighting unlike me and my cousin's who are ready to fight all day everyday. Needless to say I haven't heard anything from her since then. But it's still going to be a problem when I see her. And yes he still stays with me frequently. If you are wondering about my dude....We are still doing our thing. We spent V-day together. It was really nice. I'm still not ready to let him go.
I promise to keep yall psted.