With me around there are hardly any dull moment. Smiles are what I like to see, laughter is what I like to hear and Hugs & kisses are what I like to feel.Sometimes it seems like I have so much going on all at once. No matter what I always remain smiling because the Lord watches over me.

Monday, January 30, 2006


Friday afternoon, approximately 12:17 pm my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and immedietely knew who it was. His cell phone #. He is home! It has only been 3 short months and he is back already. I was surprised but at the same time I had been expecting it. The streets talk. And there were people telling me he was on his way home. I knew that the first thing he would do is call me, eventhough we hadn't corresponded since Nov. He wouldn't let me hear it from someone else that he was home. The conversation was real regular. You would have thought we had just talked the day before. He asked me was I alright. I told him yes, and I asked him the same. We chit-chatted for a few more minutes until he finally asked what he had been dying to know. He asked me why did I just cut him off just like that. I explained to him what he already knew but he just wanted to ignore. So we rehashed the whole situation that we were in and how he made a major decision without even talking to me first, so I decided that since he made that decision on his own he had to deal with the consequences on his own. He told me that he understands where I'm coming from. He also let me know in no uncertain terms he is not giving up the game. He said he couldn't give it up even if he wanted to. He told me he will get rich or die trying. Needless to say there is absolutely no future for us at all. He said he understands that. If that's how it is going to be then he is fine with that. He wanted to see me so we decided to meet up so we could really talk. It was good to see him I was happy we had a chance to talk face to face.It was closure for us. We got a lot of things off our chests. When he left I felt good. There was very little animosity.

The next day I told my dude I'm dealing with now about him being home. Now that is another problem. He was very upset over the news. Now he is starting to knit-pick at everything. If I don't call back or if he can not find me he assumes I am with him. I have been trying to convince him that he has nothing to worry about. The funny thing is the whole time when me and my man were having our heart-to-heart talk I was really thinking of this dude. He is always on my mind no matter what. If he would just chill out and play his position we will be ok.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang now thats a your current dude dont have nothing to worry about does he?

January 31, 2006 7:47 AM  
Blogger T said...

are you seeking solace (soulace)?

January 31, 2006 2:11 PM  
Blogger feels good b n FREE said...

wow treen..u know how i feel.
u deserve the best

January 31, 2006 5:49 PM  
Blogger LUVIN ME said...

Wow. Well, I say go where your heart and mind lead you.

February 01, 2006 5:00 AM  
Blogger SilkySmooth said...

You know how I feel. So i'm not gonna say to much. I hope you follow your heart and choose the man who can support you in every way possible. I will say this about the new guy, I think he shows weakness by focusing on your ex and not you. It seems like he is more worried about what he can't do for you and what your ex could. That is a real big insecurity of his. Is "insecurity" a word? Just pick who makes you happy. Don't let the situation upset you or disturb your forward motion.

February 01, 2006 4:40 PM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

@ Yazmar..I hate to say it, but he probably does have to worry a little. I do have a lot of history w/ this dude.

@ southern gal..he definitely has issues, and they are not limimted to trust issues..haha

@ Soulace..I'm not really sure what I'm seeking. ;-)

@ Diamonds... I know you are just as confused as I am which surprises me because you are always on Boss' side.

@ Luvin me...My heart leads me one place and my mind leads me somewhere else.

@ Insanely...I understand it's hard for him to just chill b/c I do have so much history with the other.

@ are in the same boat w/ Diamonds. You are always on his side too. :-)

February 02, 2006 5:36 PM  
Blogger Tha BossMack TopSoil said...

Fuck it baby, Niggas gotta do what they gotta do, when they gotta do it. Being broke? No, thats not an option, it's best to have no bitch.

February 03, 2006 2:32 PM  
Blogger Superstar Nic said...

I have to agree the other ladies. Life is too short. Please do follow your heart girl. Like silkysmooth said choose the man who can support you in every way possible!

February 03, 2006 3:22 PM  
Blogger That Girl said...

You always gotta follow the heart!

February 11, 2006 6:07 AM  
Blogger feels good b n FREE said...

new post pah-leese!!!

February 14, 2006 8:41 AM  

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