This weather sux
My body is not equipped for this weather. It had not been no more than 29 degrees in the last couple of days. I love this time of year because of the holidays, but I can not stand how freakin' cold it is. Everybody says I must be anemic, but that has nothing to do with it. It is just cold as hell......Queastion.....Why do people say cold as hell? Hell is not cold at all.
Anyway I just wanted to complain about that b/c I still have at least 3 or 4 more months of this terrible weather. After the New Year is over I'm ready to get back to the summertime. Now that is what my body is equipped for. I need daisy dukes,tank tops & flip-flops.
I thought the same thing about the say "cold as hell"...that's why there's the saying "when helll freezes over" because hell is hot!
Its so bad just wrap yourself up in a nice coat and enjoy the weather
@ professor...Who made up that first saying? it is retarded..haha
@ stone...I would rather wrap myself in some sun and ;-)
why u stoopid??
there is never a time that i don't think to myself...what's wrong wit that girl??? lol
hehehe...naw i feel u, i'm craving some warm weather too!! I love the north but boo for the winter!!!!
i wanna wear flip flops...and all that but i betta check out Dr. sorokin b4 I look into half tops and carrying
i got
Weather is weather no matter how you look at it, cold or hot your day goes on. You have to make the best of it. Hate it or love it, you cant change it. An actually about that quote "Cold as Hell", it's an oxymoran. Is it that you dont like it because you cant dress yourself up in this weather? Or is it just a cold thing with you?
About my little situation, I understand and apprecite your advice. And why would I not consider it from someone who has been through it and knows how to handle it. I took your advice into deep consideration, but I just cant put myself in back into that stressful world anymore. I realize that I have found someone whose focus is mainly on me and not what I do.That is what separates the two women. One is worried about me and the other is worried about what I do and when I do it. So I have finally made my decision. thank you for your thoughful incite. You always keep it real and hard with me. I you being that way adds to my fast maturation process. Much love.
LOL, ok w/the daisey dukes!
I feel you on the weather thingy, and its not nearly as cold here as what you have to put up with. Its been in the 50s during the day and the 30s at night, but that is STILL COLD TO ME!
I feel you....
@ diamonds...this weather is messin' up our going out and partyin'
@ days could go a lot better if it was 85 degrees or above...on the other note I don't really, really care who you are with, as long as you always have that brighteyed smile whenever I see you. So whichever one make you happy, makes me happy. ;-)
@ "n" search I wish I was where you are.
@ thatgirl...I'm glad someone else is feelin' my pain
I'm originally from Michigan, but I've been Southeast for the past 17 yrs. People are always saying "You're from Up North, you SHOULD be used to the cold...". That's always so irritating. *rolling eyes*
Thanks for visiting my spot, BTW
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