With me around there are hardly any dull moment. Smiles are what I like to see, laughter is what I like to hear and Hugs & kisses are what I like to feel.Sometimes it seems like I have so much going on all at once. No matter what I always remain smiling because the Lord watches over me.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

What's in your wallet

I wasnt going to post anything today but I read something in another blog (youtoldharpotobeatme). It reminded me of something that me and my girlfriend Carla was talking about.

I work in a hospital and I work with some real down to earth people. But some are them are down right snobby. Before I start this I just want to say right off the bat that I am not racist. I have nothing at all against white folx but sometimes they can be quite judgemental. Anyway everytime someone, particularly someone of lesser status and someone of color, buys something new such as a car or tells them that they own a house they are always looking at us cockeyed, like how can you afford that.(that was such a run-on sentence). Example one day I was looking thru my pocketbook for my wallet. When I came across it and looked inside for whatever it was that I was looking for I realized that my MAC card was not in there. I started to panick a little and someone asked what was I looking for and I told them that I must have misplaced my MAC card and one of the nurses turned around and said,"Why are you worried about it, you don't have any money in the bank." Do I even have to go into details about how she got cussed out. Especially since I had just went to the bank the day before and deposited a $4,000 check into my account.

Last week a girl I work with brought a new truck. When I told another girl I work with about April's new truck the first thing she said was, "How the hell can she afford that?" Why did that have to be the first thing out of her mouth?

There is another nurse that just brought a house around the corner from me. She does not work a lot because she just doesn't feel like working all the time. Yet she has the cutest little house. The first thing out of everyone's mouth is, "How is she paying her mortgage and she barely wants to work?' Oncce again I ask why is that the first thing out of everyone's mouth? I feel like this, if she is not asking you for help paying her bills why is it your concern how she is paying them. That shit burns me up so bad. I have cussed enough people out and now they know not to ask me shit about my finances. When I first started working there everyone acted like I was some type of alien because I was 25 and I owned a house and I was a black girl from Camden and I only had 1 child and she went to Catholoic School. I remember when I told someone that my daughter went to Catholic school and she flat out said, How is that possible? You can't afford that". Once again I had to cuss someone out. Then when I decided to go into the pool at my job, That means I do not have a set schedule. I can work whatever shift I want to work whenever I want to work. So what I do is I usually take off a week, or I work maybe 2 days in the week then the next week I'll work all week. But they were always making comments like "How can you afford to take a whole week off"?

Now I just learned that they are obviously jealous there is no other way to explain it. I would never have the audacity to ask someone how can they afford something that they have. I am not easily impressed with what other people have because I feel like whether you have less than I have, more than me or the same amount it doesn't matter because unless you are rich we are all struggling. I don't think I am no better than anyone else or that anyone else is better than me. I just mind my business as far as that goes and I worry about my own finances. I wish other people would learn to do the same thing.

Like the commercial goes...What's in your wallet. (Capital One)


Blogger NegroPino™ said...

I dont think its bougie but its negative. I often wonder how certain folks get certain things when I work just as hard if not harder and prolly make more with less bill and they can pull it off....i wonder so i can get down with their program too. :)

September 07, 2006 9:47 AM  
Blogger Prophetess said...

It's rude anyway to ask people how they afford what they have. Furthermore, it aint my business what people make or don't make, so I don't even go there with them. Good post, too.

September 07, 2006 1:31 PM  
Blogger Freaky Deaky said...

It's definitely rude, insulting, and maybe ignorant to ask about a stranger's finances or to assume someone can't afford something.

Maybe their finances are jacked up and they want some free credit counseling.

I've always been of the mindset that if I'm not asking you to take care of me then it's none of your business how much money I may or may not have.

September 07, 2006 2:30 PM  
Blogger That Girl said...

I feel you on this...

September 07, 2006 6:44 PM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

@ negropino...If you genuinely want to know how someone can afford something there is a certain way you pull them aside and ask. Eventhough I still believe it is a little rude unless you are close with them. But these people are just blatantly being negative.

@ jojo...I agree with you it is not my business so I do not ask.

@ know what they say about people assuming things. It definitely makes an ass out of them.

And for the record many of them do have jacked up finances.

September 07, 2006 7:39 PM  
Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

Damn they sound like some rude, hatin' ass people. Sounds like they are just jealous to me.

September 07, 2006 8:21 PM  

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