With me around there are hardly any dull moment. Smiles are what I like to see, laughter is what I like to hear and Hugs & kisses are what I like to feel.Sometimes it seems like I have so much going on all at once. No matter what I always remain smiling because the Lord watches over me.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The little girl got issues.

So the other night we were leaving my sister's house and my daughter had her face all tore up the way she usually does when she has a freakin' attitude about nothing at all. I told her to fix her face because she is always walking around looking so dam miserable. To which she replied that she is miserable. She told me that I am so mean to her all the time. Apparantly I never pay her any attention. She told me that if I have an attitute with my man that I take things out on her. She told me I'm always raggin' on her (what type of phrase is that?) Anyway I knew what she meant. She said she always try to wake up and start her day on a positive note but if she make one mistake then I go on and on about it then her day is ruined.

Now keep in mind that while she is telling me all of this she was very emotional so I told her she better calm down and stop screaming. To which she replied, "I'm screaming because we have had this conversation before and you are not listening to me". So because of the tone in her voice I thought she was loosing her dam mind. So I stopped the car, put it in park and back handed the hell out of her! I told her that I don't give a fuck how many times we may have had this very same conversation. She will not be screaming at me like she is crazy. I told her that if I unclick this seatbelt I'm really going to fuck her up. So she took a deep breath and calmed herself a bit. I told her that she did not birth me I birthed her. I had to remind her who the parent is. I don't mind listening to what she has to say but there is a way she needs to talk to me.

Anyway she went on and on about what a horrible parent I am to her. So I asked her if she wanted to live with her dad. To which she replied,"I can't stand my dad ." She said that all he cares about is his wife and their kids.

Let me give you just a little bit of background on that....She was the only child between the both of us for 10 years. Now her dad has 3 other babies by his wife and now my child feels like he doesn't have time for her. I don't agree with her. She is just not used to sharing him.

So anyway she goes on to inform me that she has contemplated suicide, because she is just so miserable. She told me that there isn't anything in her life that makes her happy. I told her she was being dramatic and she needs to get herself together.

I refuse to let her try to run a guilt trip on me. She told me that she will never treat her kids the way I treat her. I laughed at that because I remember when I thought the same thing when I was a child and my mom was beating my ass or keeping me from doing something that I wanted to do. I told her that I used to think that my mom was so mean also, but as I got older I realized that she was right and I was wrong. She had the freakin audacity to tell me that she KNOWS that my mom was not mean and she didn't beat me and cuss me out the way I do her. I told her that she has no idea the type of shit that my mom did to me. She remembers the sweet grandmom that hardly ever laid a hand on her. My mom had a heart problem therefore the younger kids and my daughter got away with murder. But the woman that raised me was not ill at all. She was young and healthy and she whopped my ass whenever I was getting out of hand and she cussed me out and called me everything but the child of God.

I was so pissed off with her for trying to tell me what went on in my life before her little ass even came along. I told her that my grandmom got her ass beat, she beat my mom ass, my mom beat my ass and I'm going to beat her ass so she can turn around and beat her child's ass. I told her you call me when you get grown and have your own smart ass little girl and you know that you are giving her the fuckin world and she comes at you with a smart ass mouth like she is grown and acting like you are her child instead of the other way around and then you tell me how you are going to handle that situation! I'll bet you any amount of money you are going to beat her ass.


Blogger thee modern isis said...

lol you better tell her. The "beat downs" get passed down from generation to generation.

I don't know what the fuck happened with my mother.. she enlisted in the Army and came back a spawn of Satan.

August 18, 2006 7:26 AM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

"A spawn of satan"...that is too funny...I tried to let her know what's up with the "beat downs"

August 18, 2006 9:58 PM  
Blogger SilkySmooth said...

Hold up,hold up,hold up! You cant get mad at her for voicing her opinion, well you can but you shouldnt. An you shoyuldnt get mad at her for expressing her feelings, because she could be like those kids who dont say anything and look for it in other places and fuck up. You have to make her understand how to put her words and feelings together without disrespecting the person who gave her life. Dont make her feel like every time she voices her opinion with feeling that shes gonna get her ass whooped. Yes hse was in the wrong for trying to tell you how you were raised, but she was just hurt and trying to get you to understand that she hurt and tired of having that conversation. As you say she lil YOU, so treat her like lil You.I am not a parent, and you are,and a damn good one at it. Take a crack at it, give her that mother-daughter relationship, but then give her that friend-friend relationship. A lot of parents believe you dont have to be your kids friend and you dont, but it benefits both sides if you do. Dare to be different. She seems to be growing fast and she could learn alot form her mother as a friend. You understand the youthful side of life and that grown-up side,just give it a crack. Much love. Tell Zen I feel her pain, but be respectful.

August 18, 2006 11:41 PM  
Blogger shereejoi said...

SilkySmooth couldn't have said it better.

August 19, 2006 12:23 AM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

@ silky...I listened to her and of course I let her voice her opinion and I am also her friend, but still she is very dramatic. That irks the hell out of me.

@ shereejoi..that boy swears he knows some shit...don't co-sign with him :-)

August 19, 2006 12:39 AM  
Blogger Freaky Deaky said...

I kind of co-sign with silkysmooth too. I've been telling people for years that perception is reality. If your daughter thinks her dad has abandoned her for his other children and that you take out your relationship problems on her and don't listen to her then it's true...for her at least.

Yeah, she shouldn't have presumed to tell you how she was raised but my grandmother never was as harsh or what I'd call abusive to me as she was to my mom. Doesn't mean I don't believe my mom it just means are realities and frames of references are different.

I've always hated having the same conversations with people who are supposed to know more and have more experience than me as a child. To me it always meant that they weren't listening or didn't care enough about me to work on it the first time.

August 19, 2006 6:17 AM  
Blogger Ladynay said...

Oh my, is this what I have to look forward to?

She will thank you later for the beat downs.

When will children learn that they can't stand toe to toe with some parents without getting their teeth knocked out!

August 19, 2006 8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Call your child bad names is never cute. If you are doing this you need to stop.

August 26, 2006 4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ naja ~ Do you have kids?

I find that it is far easier for folks WITHOUT kids to tell folks WITH kids how to raise 'em. *slank stare* I tried to stompa hole in my 16 year old a few weeks back. Long as he is black and breathin...his azz betta never holla at me again. The children these days seems to have the mistaken impression that we OWE them something. I applaud Trina for jerking that lil azz in line...cause you best believe if she doesn't make her treat HER right ate home (and Trina gotta fed and clothe her) that lil chic gonna turn Bonnie and Clyde on yall in the street then you are going to WISH her momma would beat her azz.

August 31, 2006 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn...I get hella typos when I am on fiyah about something...sorry...

August 31, 2006 9:36 AM  
Blogger TrinaBeingTrina said...

@ mznewagenda....I wasn't even going to respond to naja but since you put it out there I want to say thank you for putting her on blast. It is always those who have no kids who want to tell you what to do with your kids OR it is those who let their bad ass kids run a muck and they don't discipline them and they do whatever the hell they want to do.

September 01, 2006 1:34 AM  

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