He must have lost his mind but I'm going to help him find it.
Today after I picked my daughter up from summer school my sister called and asked if me and my man wanted to go to Wildwood with her and her man. I called him up and he was with it. So within an hour we were on the road. We only layed out on the beach for a little while then we decided to walk the boardwalk. It's crazy because eventhough it was 90 degrees the water was cold as hell. Plus I don't swim anyway. I only sunbathe. Yes black people sunbathe. Believe it or not people always ask me why do I sunbathe. I do because in my mind I consider myself sexy chocolate but the truth is I'm kinda on the light side. Anyway that's neither here nor there. So we walked the boardwalk and went to the arcade and I was the skeeball champion so I got to go inside this little glass room full of money and when the fan comes on the money flies around and you have to grab as much as you can in 1 minute. Of course it always looks easier then what it is. You couldn't keep the money but it went toward tickets to get a prize. We got a pillow radio. It is the cutest thing. It is an actual pillow in the shape of a radio, and it really works. After that we won more stuffed animals we had a good time like we always do until.......we started talking about the house and some bills that are due.
He had the ordasity to tell me that he don't plan on paying bills because I put him out and since he hasn't moved his clothes back in yet he is not wortied about bills.....Let me give you a little bit of background.....Last month he was supposed to pay the cable bill. He told me he didn't have it at the time and he asked me to take care of it and he will give it back to me. I did and I was expecting my money back because the cable is in his name and we have every premium channel because he said he needs all the channels. I have not seem my cable bill money yet. That was a month ago because the cable bill just arrived in the mail 2 days ago. We were supposed to take care of a few other things that he has not lifted a finger to do. So because I realize somewhere along the line he got the game fucked up and he is confusing me with some other chick I am about to remind him who the fuck I am.
When we got home from Wildwood we were chilling for a while and he finally had the nerve to say to me, "baby where are the car keys because I have to make a quick run." I so nicely reminded him that my car is MY car. If he feels like he doesn't want to pay his way then I need to remind him what is his and what is mine and the car is mine. The second thing was his house key has been confiscated. There is no way in hell he can have free and total access to MY house if he can decide if and when he wants to pay some bills. So he will be sleeping on his niece's couch tonight because I am at work and he can not get in. I wouldn't even care if he was sleeping in another female's bed as long as he knows he will not be sleeping with me and not pay some billz. For those who have read on a constant basis yall know I do not play when it comes to money. If I have to be responsible so does he. I will never be one of those girls that have a man laying up not contributing to the cause. I don't care if he was dickin me down good. You can keep that shit because in my world ain't no romance without finance! Anyway the last thing I decided to do is if he is there on a night that I am at work I will be putting a parental block on the cable. His black ass will be watching nothing but rated PG shows. If he can't handle the cable bill then why should he be laid the fuck up all night watching it?
lol @ watching PG shows...
U r putting him on punishment...
Block all of the premium channels and the sports channels too while you're at it. PG is generous you should knock it down to G rated and let him buy his way up, lol.
It's funny to hear about it but I know you're not happy about having to do it. I hope he shapes up soon.
I heard that SHIT, Treen...
You better remind that nigga, you his bread and butter....
And I also sunbathe and I know white people be lookin at me crazy, but you can never be too black...I'm too light anyway and when I get my tan on, my skin is blemish free...
@ atl mack...I noticed punishment works on adults as well as children..haha
@ freaky...I know he will get it together soon. He always does.
@ nsane...I'm glad someone else is feelin me on the tanning situation!
@ southern gal...Just about ALL of my friends and a few family members are in that situation. I just don't understand what the hell has happened to the world. Men are supposed to be the providers. When did they decide to be flat out bums?!?!
He's slippin, but he's probly slipped before and gotten right back up. I beleive your taking the right actions. Putting him on punishment is a good thing. But that TV thing is vicious. Blockeing the channels is a new step. Smart but new. I never heard of that shit. He gotta learn his place as the provider. Its not and on and off job. He has to be consistent. An its not about being in the house or being out of the house. If thats your woman you should take care of her reguardless.
Dam I love the way you think baby boy!!
i hear that shit! i dont blame you...
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شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض 0500091013 ارخص شركة نقل عفش – إدارة سعودية
شركتنا بتقدم لك كل ما تحتاجه فى نقل عفش بيتك وباقل التكاليف فالدينا اكبر اسطوال سيارات مخصصه لنقل الاثاث بامان تام ومغلقه للحفاظ على الاثاث من اى اتربه او اتساخ , نحن نتعامل مع الاثاث بحرص وبدقه لاننا لدينا عماله محترفه و مدربه على تنزيل الاثاث بشكل سليم و مظبوط و ايضا نتعامل مع الاجهزه الكهربائيه بشكل صحيح لعدم حدوث اى خطأ و لتصلك كل المنقولات سليمه ولا يوجد بها اى خدش العماله لدينا مضونه وامينه على كل ممتلكاتك لاننا نختار العاملين بكل دقه وهذا ما يجعلنا نتقدم بشكل ملحوظ بين شركات نقل الاثاث
احسن شركة نقل اثاث بالرياض
كل منا عند التفكير في نقا اثاثه اول شئ يخطرعلى باله كيفية تأمين هذه العمليه لضمان
سلامة وصول الاثاث بسلامه لمكان نقله فيأتي هنا دور شركتنا في مدى اهتمامها بتقديم افضل
الطرق والاساليب والتقنيات التي تستخدمها في عمليات الفك والتركيب والتغليف لتتم عملية
النقل بشكل آمن وسليم فالشركة تقدم لكم جميع الخدمات المختلفة التي تتعلق بنقل الأثاث إلى أي مكان
نقل عفش بالرياض
نقل عفش بالرياض
كما ان الشركه تسعى دائما لتطوير نفسها ومتطلعه على كل جديد بهذا المجال كي توفرلعملائها أفضل الخدمات
فالشركة تعطيك الخدمه التى تحتاجها على أعلى مستوى لانا هدف شركه نقل اثاث بالرياض هو ارضاء عملائها
فالشركة لا تعتمد فقط على وجود افضل التقنيات ولكن ايضا لديها افضل المهنيين والعمال ذات الخبرة
والكفائة المتدربيين على كيفيه التعامل مع هذه الامور والتعامل اذا واجهتهم صعوبات او عوائق
وكيفيه الحصول على افضل الطرق لتآمين سلامة الاثاث الى وصوله للمكان المرغوب
بأمان وسلامه دون وجود اية مشاكل
نقل اثاث بالرياض
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